N9 Series(旧)
N9 Series(旧)
evo Unofficial(S)
2021-07-27 21:32:59
1.07 GB
2021-12-26 14:39:05
1.19 GB
2022-03-02 14:28:05
1.19 GB
2022-03-18 18:15:22
1.25 GB
2022-03-25 12:16:48
1.31 GB
2022-04-11 02:13:47
1.26 GB
2022-05-02 02:21:50
1.25 GB
2022-05-03 19:20:21
1.25 GB
2022-05-04 19:49:04
1.24 GB
2022-02-02 10:16:08
1.27 GB
2022-02-10 12:12:50
1.27 GB
2022-02-22 23:52:36
1.3 GB
2022-02-26 20:11:43
1.3 GB
2022-03-06 18:56:41
1.31 GB
@挚爱宅 搬运整理 #### 5月3日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 3/5/22 ##### ◾️原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1T_Ikim0RDuuifQksIEQd0ckSSfEeHwMV ##### Mirror备用下载地址: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1HGXutcRvzc_Si15-k2bw8wf62jYg8IKs ##### ◾️Support Device : Juice ##### ◾️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### ◾️Support Group: ##### TG@evoxjuice ##### ⚠️ This ROM is forced encrypted by default flash this DFE for decryption(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/12387 ##### 🛠 Changelog: ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/34588 ##### 📝 Notes: ##### • Use latest Stock or Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor. ##### • Flash Disable_Dm-Verity zip or Magisk if splash-loops on latest vendors. ##### • Flash 4.19.227 Juice Bengal if facing Audio distortion. #### 4月9日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 9/4/22 ##### ◾️原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1jHi0xU4VAAXYSVg-hrYhwj4Cwgs8BS5V ##### Mirror备用下载地址: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1HMETdG-_EN_Iy13AkCvxOl7ks7QA8Piv ##### ◾️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### ⚠️ This ROM is forced encrypted by default flash this DFE for decryption(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/12387 ##### 🛠 Changelog(魔法): ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device: ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/24321 ##### 📝 Notes: ##### • Use latest Stock or Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor. ##### • Flash Disable_Dm-Verity zip or Magisk if splash-loops on latest vendors. ##### • Flash 4.19.227 Juice Bengal if facing Audio distortion. #### 3月24日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 24/3/22 ##### ◾️原Download地址: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=16AYoP_c7_sjdl_Zhb2uiPNe2o8jGbh1Q ##### ◾️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### ⚠️ This ROM is forced encrypted by default flash this DFE for decryption(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/12387 ##### 🛠 Changelog(魔法): ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device: ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/17111 ##### 📝 Notes: ##### • Use latest Stock or Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor. ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't boot. #### 3月17日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 17/3/22 ##### ◾️原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1E0nl-AebyXblDqviqCs8qEhmQvFxeZwg ##### Mirror备用下载地址: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1MoylQTFcg6otAXyWuHB0yDJlfbY5VZur ##### ◾️ Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### ⚠️ This ROM is forced encrypted by default flash this DFE for decryption.(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/12387 ##### 🛠 Changelog: ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/12281 ##### 📝 Notes: ##### • Use latest Stock or Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor. ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't boot. #### 3月5日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 05/03/22 ##### Supported Devices: Juice ##### Maintainer: @kalkioss ##### ◾原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=139m7CyFIvKhnKnFQNeQ2X5i5AiCtuC3x&export=download ##### Mirror备用下载地址: ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WaKnWNLqjrfQz3EYu8ZtfsrpaGX0KC3M/view?usp=sharing ##### ◾Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Unified-Device-Tree--Device-list-and-Code-Names-09-16 ##### ◼️Changelog: ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/7042 ##### Notes: ##### ⚠️ This ROM is decrypted by default no need of DFE. If you want encryption, flash DDFE (https://t.me/evoxjuice/4977) zip after flashing the ROM. ##### • Use latest Stock (highly recommend) or Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor for Lime or Citrus. ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't #### 2月26日: ##### ℹ️ EvolutionX Twelve | UNOFFICIAL ##### 👤 Maintainer: @TechieVISH ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3-Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 2022-2-26 ##### 原Download地址(魔法): ##### GDrive: ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jAybbAkXHqsak89hRF_1c5WWGhK43MI6/view?usp=sharing ##### Backup备用下载地址1: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?id=19lLSa6c32bgjlu8zI55TNGvRKtwFPRAU&export=download ##### Mirror备用下载地址2: ##### https://publikmirror-nobokep.juicekolkata-sep2021.workers.dev/0:/evolution_juice-ota-sq1d.220205.004-02252145-unofficial-unsigned.zip ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### Source Changelog: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device Changelog: ##### • Fix device name ##### • Further fixes for Auto brightness ##### • Fix a GMS permission denial ##### • Add face unlock support ##### • Re add AOD to fix doze on DT2W ##### • Fix lags ##### Notes: ##### • Use 12.5 Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor with DFE for Citrus ##### • Use 12.5 For lime ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't boot ##### • Flash DDFE in order to fix Google Play System Updates(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/4977 #### 2月22日: ##### #EvolutionX #ROM #S #Unofficial #Juice ##### EvolutionX - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Released : 22/2/22 ##### ◾原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/101GSbuYWP9sAxn20RsBAHOAFwJy_fIGo/view?usp=sharing ##### ◾Support Device : Juice ##### ◾Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### ◾Support Group : @evoxjuice ##### ⚠️ If you want encryption, flash DDFE zip after flashing the ROM(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/4977 ##### 🛠 Changelog: ##### ROM: ##### https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10rBjefS5dRXvsEtQkS1GA5RCjyOptL18s0koRPzYIwU/mobilebasic ##### Device: ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/4973 ##### 📝 Notes: ##### • Use 12.5 Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor with DFE for Citrus ##### • Use 12.5 For lime ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't boot #### 2月9日: ##### EvolutionX 6.0 Snow | UNOFFICIAL ##### Maintainer: @TechieVISH ##### Android version: 12 ##### Device: Poco M3/Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### Build date: 9-2-2022 ##### 原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/18JWL3B2wJGQnQR7NdCBjyJtF9HRDHKwC/view?usp=drivesdk ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/evoxjuice/44?single ##### Changelog: ##### • February security patch. ##### • Force enabled DT2W. ##### • Forced decrypted. For enabling Encryption back flash: THIS. ##### • Workaround for some banking apps added. ##### • Fixed overall padding and animations by overriding vendor overlays. ##### • Improved auto brightness. ##### • Fixed location indicator appearing a lot. ##### • Fixed Ok/Hey Google. ##### • A lot of other smoothness and rendering improvements. ##### • Upstreamed Kernel. ##### Notes: ##### • Encrypted users better clean flash this time in order to avoid bootlooops. ##### • Use 12.5 Xiaomi EU or EEA Vendor with DFE for Citrus ##### • Use 12.5 For lime ##### • Juice Vendor in General if it doesn't boot #### 7月27日: ##### #EvolutionX #Unofficial #Minkan #Rom #Juice #Unified ##### Evolution X v5.9 Immortal Minkan Hotfix | Android 11. ##### By @dlwlrma123 ##### Updated: 27/07/'21 ##### ▪️ 原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B9RjX9I9TRcUJn-S6Gz-GrzqzZkD4CxD/view ##### ▪️ Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/JuiceOfficialPH/113690 ##### Changelog: ##### • Switched from userdebug to user build ##### • Fixed Padding ##### • Fixed Screen Flickering ##### • Fixed Status Bar paddings and notch ##### • Fixed Icons overlappings ##### • Debloated ROM size ##### • Performance Improvements ##### • shipped with CY kernel changes (if you experience network issues change kernel unstable ata yung nasync kong cy dito) ##### Bugs: ##### - ok google not working ##### - dt2w ##### Notes: ##### * built for PH community only, please dont spread link to official/groups outside ph group (respect for evo x official maintainer) ##### * Gapps included ##### * if you can't download, sign in your google account then refresh page.
2024-12-05 03:14:40 Thursday Runningtime:0.579s Mem:517.98 KB